Direct Primary Care Doctor

Dr. Rob is a board-certified family physician with 25 years experience practicing in the Silverton, Mount Angel, and Molalla communities caring for infants through elders. Dr. Rob is a graduate of the University of Oregon, Oregon Health Sciences University and University of Minnesota Duluth family practice residency program. He started practicing in Silverton and Molalla in 1996. He is board certified by the NBPAS and a 30 year member of the American Academy of Family Practice. Since starting Township Health DPC, he has presented at DPC National Conferences, became a founding member of the DPC Alliance and is currently on the DPC Alliance Advisory Board.
“My greatest joy in practicing medicine is in the relationship that I have with my patients. My transition to Direct Primary Care is to insulate my patients from the burdens of the insurance industry, provide them with excellent access to up to date primary care, and in the end, save them out of pocket expenses on health care. A personal relationship with your physician is a gift to not only you, but me.”
Dr. Rob, as he is lovingly known, is a staunch DPC advocate and practicing DPC physician in Silverton, OR. He transitioned from decades in private fee for service practice to DPC and is now taking care of hundreds of patients under his membership model. One of the toughest experiences he had was working to get coverage for his patients when he was taking extended leaves of absence, something solo docs will not want to miss!
DPC Summit 2022 - July 15-17th in Kansas Ciry, MO